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GitHub / 1024pix/pix-ui committers
Last synced: about 8 hours ago
Total Commits: 1,916
Total Committers: 77
Total Bot Commits: 172
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 24.883
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.89
Total Committers: 77
Total Bot Commits: 172
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 24.883
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.89
Commits in the past year: 591
Committers in the past year: 26
Bot Commits in the past year: 129
Bot Committers in the past year: 2
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 22.731
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.707
Committers in the past year: 26
Bot Commits in the past year: 129
Bot Committers in the past year: 2
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 22.731
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.707
More repo stats:
Name | Commits | |
Anne-G | a****l@g****m | 210 |
pix-bot | s****t@p****r | 207 |
Yann Bertrand | 5****d | 186 |
semantic-release-bot | s****t@m****t | 173 |
renovate[bot] 🤖 | 2****] | 161 |
Xavier Carron | 3****r | 116 |
Andreia Pena | a****a@p****r | 73 |
Vincent Hardouin | v****n@p****r | 68 |
Benjamin Petetot | b****t@g****m | 65 |
François de Metz | f****z@p****r | 58 |
yaelle | y****c@o****m | 43 |
Geoffroy Begouaussel | g****l@z****m | 41 |
Rousseau Corentin | c****o@e****e | 40 |
Xavier Carron | x****n@z****m | 35 |
yschoueri | y****i@g****m | 31 |
celineung | c****g@z****m | 31 |
ajoanny | a****y@o****m | 29 |
Yvonnick Frin | f****k@g****m | 27 |
Marie-Hélène | m****s@p****r | 21 |
Clarisse Damon | c****n@p****r | 21 |
Pix Bot | s****m@b****r | 19 |
lisequesnel | q****e@g****m | 18 |
Mickaël Alibert | m****t@p****r | 17 |
Clément Bourgoin | c****n@p****r | 16 |
LionelB | l****l@l****r | 15 |
Anne-Gaëlle Schall | 3****S | 13 |
melanieb | m****d@g****m | 13 |
Marianne Bost | m****t@p****r | 12 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 11 |
Xavier Carron | x****n@p****r | 11 |
RĂ©becca | r****i@g****m | 10 |
Antoine Ceol | a****l@g****m | 9 |
Eric Lim | e****m@z****m | 9 |
Nicolas Lepage | 1****e | 9 |
Pierre TOP (TOPI) | p****p@o****m | 6 |
alexandrecoin | a****n@g****m | 6 |
Matthias FERRAINA | m****a@p****r | 5 |
Benjamin Petetot | b****t@p****r | 5 |
François de Metz | f****s@2****r | 4 |
Karam Mohd | k****d@o****m | 4 |
Stephane Bedeau | s****u@o****m | 4 |
Thomasevano | t****o@h****r | 4 |
mcampourcy | m****y@p****r | 4 |
yoandl | y****a@p****r | 3 |
Pix | p****x | 3 |
Jonas Grillères | g****j@g****m | 3 |
Guillaume Olejniczak | l****e@g****m | 3 |
Aurelie Crouillebois | a****s@g****m | 3 |
Alexandre Monney | a****7@g****m | 3 |
ARJ | a****j@o****m | 3 |
Anne-Gaëlle Schall | 3****a | 2 |
Clément Bourgoin | c****@i****r | 2 |
Fael BASSETTI | f****i@p****r | 2 |
Geoffroy Begouaussel | g****l@p****r | 2 |
Guillaume Lagorce | g****e@h****m | 2 |
Ismael Gorissen | i****n@g****m | 2 |
Karam Haytham | k****d@o****m | 2 |
rouxxi | g****r@p****r | 2 |
Eithliu | i****t@p****r | 1 |
Eric Lim | e****m@h****r | 1 |
Jonathan Perret | j****b@j****t | 1 |
Laura Bergoens | l****a@b****r | 1 |
Laurent | l****s@p****r | 1 |
Mathieu Gilet | m****t@z****m | 1 |
Yasmina Schoueri | y****i | 1 |
Emeric Martineau | 1****u | 1 |
Mâche | m****s@g****m | 1 |
P-Jeremy | j****u@g****m | 1 |
Quentin Lebouc | q****c@p****r | 1 |
Rousseau Corentin | r****n@g****m | 1 |
Thomasevano | t****o@p****r | 1 |
Tomster | t****r@e****m | 1 |
Victoire d'Almeida | v****a@g****m | 1 |
Yaelle YAMA | y****c@o****m | 1 |
dianeCdrPix | d****r@p****r | 1 |
jbuget | j****t@g****m | 1 |
matthieu.gros | m****s@o****m | 1 |
Excludes empty and merge commits.
Name | Commits | |
semantic-release-bot | s****t@m****t | 173 |
renovate[bot] 🤖 | 2****] | 126 |
Xavier Carron | 3****r | 104 |
Yann Bertrand | 5****d | 83 |
LionelB | l****l@l****r | 15 |
pix-bot | s****t@p****r | 13 |
Andreia Pena | a****a@p****r | 12 |
RĂ©becca | r****i@g****m | 10 |
Vincent Hardouin | v****n@p****r | 10 |
Eric Lim | e****m@z****m | 9 |
Geoffroy Begouaussel | g****l@z****m | 7 |
Benjamin Petetot | b****t@p****r | 5 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 3 |
Marianne Bost | m****t@p****r | 3 |
Clément Latzarus | c****n@p****r | 2 |
Fael BASSETTI | f****i@p****r | 2 |
François de Metz | f****z@p****r | 2 |
Geoffroy Begouaussel | g****l@p****r | 2 |
Matthias FERRAINA | m****a@p****r | 2 |
rouxxi | g****r@p****r | 2 |
Eithliu | i****t@p****r | 1 |
Eric Lim | e****m@h****r | 1 |
Laura Bergoens | l****a@b****r | 1 |
dianeCdrPix | d****r@p****r | 1 |
matthieu.gros | m****s@o****m | 1 |
mcampourcy | m****y@p****r | 1 |
Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.